
Audio-Visual Immersion Lab (AVIL)

We established the AVIL in 2015 as part of the Centre of Excellence for Hearing and Speech Sciences. The AVIL is located in Building 354 on the Lyngby campus of the Technical University of Denmark.

The lab has been featured in news articles, TV shows, advertisements and more:

-Sonible Case Study 

-KEF Case Study

-Newspaper Ingeniøren (Danish) 

-News article about art project (in German) 

-Music video (Jesper Binzer, D-A-D) 

-Hearing Aid review 

-Danish Television (from 7:20min) 

Spatial Hearing Lab at the Copenhagen Hearing and Balance Centre (CHBC) at Rigshospital

In 2021 we designed and built a smaller version of the AVIL within the clinical environment of the CHBC.

Conversation Lab

The conversation lab is currently work in progress. The aim is to allow to track and record conversations between multiple people.